The organization has been working on community development since 1998; as part of this activity, it has been actively promoting the creation of community organizations and initiative groups in the regions. Over time, the organization changed its approach and shifted the activity focus to the long-term changes, which means that not only does it help to form new groups in the villages, but also provides them with long-term organizational, informational, technical, and financial support.
The 24-year experience has shown that most often it is these groups that initiate solutions to various local problems and spread community-related activism in the region. That’s why the continuously updated intellectual and financial resources of local groups are so important for the development of the local community.
Consequently, organizational support remains a priority for the Community Development program to this day. More specifically, during program activities selected target groups prepare and submit to the Program their short- and long-term action plans along with corresponding activity budgets. Submitted plans should promote the development of the applicant organization itself, help to mobilize a community, bring people together around common problems and achievements and contribute to the long-term community development.
Apart from financial support, the Program constantly seeks to provide needed technical assistance to selected groups and organizations as they start implementing their action plans. The type of assistance is custom-tailored and determined by the individual needs of the organization/group and specifics of their action plan, and this is precisely the unique approach of the Program.
The assistance implies both educational and information support for target community groups and organizations, which includes the provision of various trainings and workshops, seminars, working meetings, consultations, and masterclasses. In addition, Community Development Program team helps them to advocate for community interests, lobby for local issues, and build local networks.
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